Related: About this forumWould you like to serve as a Host of a Group? And does your Group even need a Host?
Again, this is an announcement about Group Hosts, not Forum Hosts.During the testing period this last week, we assigned a number of people to act as temporary hosts in various Groups around the site so we could test the software. To those of you who volunteered, thank you. But, as promised, now that the testing period is over we have wiped the database of Group hosts. If you were a Group Host during the testing period, you are no longer assigned as a Group Host. As I write this, none of the Groups have Hosts assigned. (Note that Forum Hosts from the testing period are still assigned.)
Does your Group need a Host at all?
The first thing that needs to happen in any Group before someone is assigned as a Host, is that the regulars in that group need come to some general agreement that they want a Host at all. The position of Host (especially the most senior Host) holds a significant amount of power in a group -- with the abilities to lock threads, hire and fire other Hosts, and block people out of the group. Are you sure you want to hand that power over to anyone?
Keep in mind that if you do not choose to have a Host, your group will still enjoy some amount of protection. No matter where they are posted, violations of our Community Standards are handled by the random member juries. So even if your group does not have a Host, there is still a system in place that will be able to handle disruptive posts in the group.
With that in mind, there may be some Groups where it might make sense to leave the position of Host vacant:
- If your group is dedicated to a non-controversial topic, then there is probably no harm in assigning someone as a Host. You are unlikely to need someone to lock threads or block people out of the group, but it might be useful to have someone who can take ownership of the group.
- If your group is a "Safe Haven" where only one viewpoint is welcome, then you should probably assign a Host to help run the group. It is likely that you will need a Host to lock off-topic threads and block out people who disagree with the purpose of the group.
- If your group plays host to open debate on a particular topic, and welcomes a wide range of viewpoints, then the choice might not be so simple. If you select a Host, it needs to be someone who is trusted to be fair by people holding a wide range of viewpoints. You may decide that it is better not to assign anyone as the Host of your group, to avoid the risk that that person might use their power to benefit a particular viewpoint.
What to do if you want to serve as a Host? (THESE INSTRUCTIONS HAVE CHANGED)
If the members of your group decide to select a Host, then you must decide who will serve as the first Host. The DU Administrators will assign ONLY ONE host to each Group, and then it is the responsibility of that Host to select other members of the Host Team (if anyone else wishes to serve).
Hopefully in most Groups, selecting a first Host will be a simple matter of awarding the job to the first person who posts in the Group to volunteer for the job. If more than one person is interested, then you need to discuss the choice of Host amongst yourselves until you come to some sort of consensus regarding who should have the job.
- If you want to serve as a Host of a particular Group, the first thing you need to do is post in that group to let the members of that group know you are interested in serving as the Host. If a consensus is reached and you are chosen for the job, then -- and only then -- you can report back to this thread and let me know.
- Post a reply in this thread telling me which group you have been selected to Host. Include a direct link to your post in the group where you want to serve. I need that link in order to give you host powers.
- I will only assign ONE host to each group. After that first host has been assigned, then that first host has the power to grant host status to anyone else. So, if a host is already assigned to a group, then you need to contact that host to become a host.
DU Admin

Little Star
(17,055 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 11, 2011, 03:33 AM - Edit history (1) You, LS
edited to add the following
Here is where I asked the group:
(63,645 posts)Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 11, 2011, 07:16 AM - Edit history (1) - You would probably prefer the type of link you asked for, heh
(63,645 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 11, 2011, 11:43 AM - Edit history (1) is where I asked the group:
(63,645 posts)jannyk
(4,810 posts)tavalon
(27,985 posts)That amuses me.
(60,025 posts)And yes, I am a frequent visitor to that group.
(63,645 posts)NRaleighLiberal
(60,977 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 11, 2011, 09:34 PM - Edit history (2)
(63,645 posts)NRaleighLiberal
(60,977 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Based on the discussion, I made Broken_Hero the host. Was that the correct thing to do?
He can assign you as a host.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)The Home Page is taking shape! Looking good
Response to Skinner (Original post)
Tuesday Afternoon This message was self-deleted by its author.
(26,624 posts)This is fine by me, but I'm not a regular visitor to that site. I know your extremely busy, and I hate to bother you, but I'm not sure how to verify this request. Thanks...
(63,645 posts)I don't know what you are referring to.
(27,773 posts)the hosting of the following groups:
Democracy for America (it's been dead on DU2 for a year):
Hawaii (I know just about every Hawaii DUer):
(63,645 posts)RZM
(8,556 posts)Here's my post stating the reasons why.
(11,461 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)fadedrose
(10,044 posts)Don't know if we really need a host. We don't throw anybody out if they post about non-fiction, movies, tv programs, whatever, so long as it's within a mile of a book...
There are so many people who are qualified and are post regularly - maybe they can either suggest someone or suggest no one. No one has been doing an excellent job.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 11, 2011, 12:49 PM - Edit history (1)'m in the process of asking, but didn't want to lose the location of this thread.

edit to update: It looks like I have a quorum, and would like to be the host of Socialist Progressives, please. Thank you for the opportunity to apply! And thank you to everyone who supported me.
(63,645 posts)Response to Skinner (Original post)
krispos42 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(18,724 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 11, 2011, 09:28 PM - Edit history (1) edit: Pls ignore. Didn't read all instructions. Will repost.
(60,025 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 11, 2011, 04:04 PM - Edit history (2)
(63,645 posts)William769
(57,234 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 11, 2011, 09:02 PM - Edit history (2) asked to be the main host with other hosts to help. Everyone is in agreemnent.
Thanks for your time in this matter.
William 769
EDIT: to add this thread
Also Please read through both threads. I would still like the position but if you deem someone other more worthy, i'm also fine with that.
Pab Sungenis
(9,612 posts)I demand a vote on this matter.
Pab Sungenis
(9,612 posts)(1) Hateful rubbing of Vanje's nose in the fact that the poster who committed a personal attack on here in DU2 was allowed back into the forum and
(2) Hiding the thread pointing that fact out from the new LGBT forum.
This man in unfit to serve as host in LGBT. Period. He does NOT operate with "consensus" and there are some of us who disagree strongly with him being given such a position.
Pab Sungenis
(9,612 posts)Fearless
(18,458 posts)It's going to take a little time with the hurt feelings still around in the LGBT group.
(63,645 posts)While it looks pretty painful, I think this might be good for everyone to hash this out. The DU3 system is supposed to be resilient enough to permit these discussions to occur, while dealing with the most toxic comments. Good luck, and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
(18,458 posts)We are conducting a ballot vote currently. I set up the thread and added all the nominees that have been made... People seem to be responding well enough. The voting closes at 1:16pm EST Wednesday. If there is a tie there will be an immediate 24 hr run off, on a thread I will also create.
Is it possible to pin the ballot thread to the top of the LGBT forum for the time being so that we can get as many people to vote as possible?
If yes, this is the thread...
Thanks for your help and sorry about all the complications!
(63,645 posts)mopinko
(72,174 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)PeaceNikki
(27,985 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)OKNancy
(41,832 posts)Here is the link
(63,645 posts)OKNancy
(41,832 posts)only two responses but I don't figure there will be objections
(63,645 posts)proud2BlibKansan
(96,793 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Lasher
(28,676 posts)We have reached a consensus among half the participants there.
(63,645 posts)I was only 4 at the time, so I don't really remember much. But I do have a West Virginia connection.
(17,258 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)TBF
(35,049 posts)Non-controversial group, would like to take ownership and grow the group (will be appointing cbayer as co-host to help). thanks!
(60,212 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)muriel_volestrangler
(103,201 posts)It seems to have cut off the argument (and it was an argument, not just a discussion) a bit prematurely, to me. No-one had said "everyone vote now", for instance, or "voting will close at XXXX EST".
Argument thread:
Thread expressing doubt that consensus had been found (also locked):
and, inevitably, thread annoyed at the latest lock (also locked):
(63,645 posts)If you all want me to do something else, just tell me what to do.
(29,798 posts)There was a discussion underway where the emerging consensus certainly looked to be no host.
Knowing that, one participant in that discussion posted the request to be host to you, deliberately not linking to the discussion thread.
I think to any fair minded person that is evidence of an approach to ethics that disqualifies the person from serving in that capacity.
EE is different from most other groups in two important ways;
1) there is an active global "war" between the present fossil/nuclear based system and the use of renewable sources,
2) the content of the postings is largely based on independently verifiable information far more than opinion.
What that *means* is a matter of opinion, but your approach to selecting a host will determine whether the group is a prolific source of misinformation, an unreadable pit where frustrated propagandists dedicate themselves to disruption, or a platform for meaningful, fact based discussion of some of the most pressing problems ever to face humanity.
The manner in which you choose the host will determine that path IMO.
(63,645 posts)If you all want me to do something else, just tell me what to do.
(29,798 posts)It is being treated as done deal there.
(63,645 posts)kristopher
(29,798 posts)FBaggins
(28,019 posts)I was the first person to say that I didn't think that E/E should have a host (but that I thought Xemasab would be a fine choice should we need one). At this point you should wait until there's actually a few host decisions worthy of concern before you try to waste admin time.
You're suffering from a serious case of projection. It was clear from the beginning that you very desperately wanted to be the host and not so that we would "all start getting along", but so that you could block posts from anyone who disagreed with you. You have a long history of labeling any such posts/threads as "disruption" (and you make that prejudice clear again in this thread). You really don't want the debate (and this latest segregation proposal makes that clear). You want to control the discussion.
So, of course, you fear that anyone on the other side of the debate would do the same thing to you that you have planned for them. The problem is that there isn't any evidence that it's true.
I cannot see how the same people that have attempted so vociferously to silence nuclear critics could be expected to do anything other than act true to their nature.
Obviously you can't. What you also apparently "can't" do is wait for actual evidence that this is occuring... when a thread like this would be meaningful. It doesn't appear that a group host will have any eternal super powers. If they block multiple threads that are clearly E/E related (and don't otherwise violate DU rules)... or if they ban regular posters who aren't vulgar (etc) but merely disagree with them... this will be clear enough and easy to appeal. And from what I can see, Xemasab quickly expanded the list well beyond any group that can reasonably be called "pro-nuclear".
xemasab has attempted lately to portray herself as pro-renewables, however her historical position is one that is *extremely* critical of both wind and solar - the backbone of a renewable system.
You've been making this error from the beginning. Thinking that the host has to have the "right" position on a given issue... so that contrary positions don't get too much weight in the discussion. That isn't the role of a host.
And while we're at it, you continually (falsely) claim that anyone who is pro-nuclear is necessarily anti-renewables. This is demonstrably false. As is your claim in your note to Skinner that there's a global war between fossil/nuclear and renewables. Thus your #1 directly contradicts your #2.
(62,515 posts)I counted the votes and the Host you chose got most of them (I can link you to the data). I do not believe it should've been allowed to go on for long as most of the participants are E&E regulars, and votes from others elsewhere on DU would not represent the primary posters in that forum, which is why I am fine that the Host was chosen before some "set period" of voting was done.
The Hosts are doing a very good job, as there are more anti-nuclear Hosts than pro-nuclear Hosts, and none of them are hardliners or known disruptors.
(29,798 posts)You wrote, "...I do not believe it should've been allowed to go on for long as most of the participants are E&E regulars, and votes from others elsewhere on DU would not represent the primary posters in that forum, which is why I am fine that the Host was chosen before some "set period" of voting was done."
That is one of my central points. Those who oppose nuclear power are inclined to avoid EE because of the abuse from nuclear supporters that goes along with posting there. The only reason I've persevered is the fact that I've been doing research on the methods used by the nuclear industry to promote their product to an unsuspecting public.
So when you point to the hand you've helped deal from a deck you helped stack, it is a less than persuasive argument.
(62,515 posts)Could you link examples of abuse?
(60,025 posts)Some pinning is necessary for the group agreements on group process, defintions.
(8,039 posts)Oh and to be difficult. When we run the photo contest we usually have the submission thread locked at 30 photos or the date/time given to end them. We can keep looking for someone to lock them like we did on DU2 or if it is easier let hosts lock them if it is alright with the Admins. I'm good and thinking the group is good with whatever you decide. Just being able to pin the thread will help lots with people finding where to add entries.
(20,776 posts)An Asian Cultural and News group. I might be willing to host it.. the thing is I am wondering if there might be an interest in this. I am not even sure how many of us are on DU. But.. I run a large group on another website, with over 7600 members. I think if might be fun, and great to have an Asian group under the topic of Race and Ethnicity.
Thank you! Arigatou gozaimasu!
Kimiko ~yori.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)See this post by EarlG
(63,645 posts)If you can round up 10 people interested in joining, let me know and I'll set it up.
(In case there is any confusion, you have my permission to post in the General Discussion forum to gauge interest. Just include a little note in your post indicating that Admin said it was okay.)
(20,776 posts)arigatou!
(20,776 posts)canetoad
(18,724 posts)Computer help and support group.
(63,645 posts)uppityperson
(115,916 posts)I sent an email also, before I saw this. Thanks for considering me.
(63,645 posts)She is a host there, and she can set you up.
(115,916 posts)struggle4progress
(121,814 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)xmas74
(29,850 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Broken_Hero
(59,305 posts)of Native American Group, Comics, and Gun Control and RKBA
eta:also I could do the Missouri state forum.
(63,645 posts)Could you give me a link to a post in the Missouri group?
(59,305 posts)I'll stick with the NA group for now, there seems to be a lot of people interested so I'll just stay with the NA and let others have some fun.....
Response to Skinner (Original post)
Orangepeel This message was self-deleted by its author.
Behind the Aegis
(55,165 posts)Given there are only a few members, and I don't know who, I don't know how to reach a consensus. However, I have participated in the group for a long time and, well, remember this thread: DU group proposal Jewish group?
I don't think there will be a huge need, but one never knows.
(63,645 posts)Aerows
(39,961 posts)I love the new site and am not afraid to step up to the plate again. I'd also like GLBT duties.
(63,645 posts)Go to that forum and click the "About this Forum" button. Instructions to become a host are in there.
As for the GLBT Group, I believe they are currently discussing who will be their host.
(609 posts)thread here:
Oswego "Debunker buster" Atheist
(63,645 posts)Violet_Crumble
(36,174 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)jannyk
(4,810 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)If so granted, I would accept this as an honor.
(63,645 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)TZ
(42,998 posts)Here is the link with approval:
(17,258 posts)Here is my OP with replies
(63,645 posts)Renew Deal
(83,636 posts)And I would like the opportunity.
(63,645 posts)maddezmom
(135,060 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)HopeHoops
(47,675 posts)I posted a notice in Computers, Help, and Support: as well as in Web Site, DB, and Developers: so what do I do now?
(63,645 posts)HopeHoops
(47,675 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)one_voice
(20,043 posts)I would like to be a host in this group.
Don't know if this is a consensus, if not I will give it a few more days.
(63,645 posts)HopeHoops
(47,675 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)HopeHoops
(47,675 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)madinmaryland
(65,303 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)PunkinPi
(5,077 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)PunkinPi
(5,077 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)EvolveOrConvolve
(6,452 posts)Link to our discussion about Hosts:
Direct link to the group:
(63,645 posts)mzteris
(16,232 posts)someone who wants to be a "Host"?
Without doing it in public and causing more hard feelings.
Some of these people "mean" well, but well, really - they just aren't suited. Or they have a particular axe to grind and I'm not entirely sure they can maintain an "open mind". If you know what I mean.
(63,645 posts)Or I would throw my support to someone I trust.
(49,445 posts)Last edited Wed Dec 14, 2011, 12:27 PM - Edit history (1)
I wish I could point to a thread that shows some form of solid consensus on this, but the quote about Democrats and herding cats comes to mind.
I can state that the residents of the Gungeon seem relatively happy with the idea of me being a host; however, my attempts to get a process going was something of a failure. I don't know if it's because many DU regulars are still on DU2 or people are ambivalent about the new system or what.
Anyway, my attempts to figure out what we're going to do are chronicled in these threads:
I await your opinion on whether this counts for consensus or not.
On edit:
I started another thread to try to clarify this, here:
In my opinion, the consensus of the participants can be summarized thus:
• that we need at least one Host;
• that the lead Host should initiate and pin a discussion of Gungeon community standards;
• that the Host(s) should abide by the standards hammered out in the pinned thread;
• that there is general approval and no dissent to me being the lead Host;
• that any future Hosts should be discussed among and approved by the Gungeon community
Thank you.
(63,645 posts)oxymoron
(4,053 posts)
(26,505 posts)I will plan on visiting there.
(4,053 posts)I look forward to seeing you there. I think it will be an interesting group. All flavors of Buddhists are welcome. _/l\_
(7,252 posts)I'm kinda interested, I'd visit.
(63,645 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,517 posts)Science is a pretty quite group, but occasionally someone needs to block the Pseudoscience posts, or at least recommend they be moved to SSP, as they tend to draw a lot of posts from people who don't normally post to Science, or pay much attention to the Statement of Purpose.
Apologies for not posting to this thread earlier; an earlier link just took me to the admins' email addresses.
(63,645 posts)HopeHoops
(47,675 posts)HopeHoops
(47,675 posts)The empressof all
(29,103 posts)The general clear consensus if for Lucinda to be the "first" host. There are co host spots ....You should be asking her.
I'm not sure why there is confusion here. It's been discussed to death in the kitchen.
(7,252 posts)I stated that I had no reason to say "no" and and then went on to strongly support someone else. Someone who's been a frequent poster and contributor to the group for 2 or more years. Someone we all know and who knows us and the workings of our group.
C&B has been probably THE number one LEAST contentious group in all of DU. Yet all of a sudden you, who didn't even know C&B existed until 2 days ago, show up after contacting Skinner and getting yourself appointed host without the knowledge or consent of anyone in the group, and your first post is "I want to be the host of this forum". Now you come here TODAY asking to be made host again, even though the group has selected someone else YESTERDAY.
Frankly, I don't understand your actions. I understand that you are hosting/co-hosting some other groups. Wouldn't you like to spend some time in C&B, get to know us and figure out how the group works and decide whether you even like us or not before committing to host? And whether you have the time to host/co-host multiple forums/groups? So far, the only discussion you've participated in at C&B has been about you yourself, nothing that's cooking or baking-related.
Please explain.
(47,675 posts)...and just wanted to be A host - not necessarily the LEAD host. When I saw that Lucinda had applied, I gave my vote for lead host to Lucinda. Apparently she is the "obvious" choice for the group and I'm not going to argue with that. Co hosting is fine by me.
As for the posts "about me", that was simply to introduce myself and supply credentials for wanting to be a host. If all I knew how to do was grill hot dogs, that wouldn't really qualify me now would it? There's no malicious intent. I think this is a great group and one of the more valuable "go to" spots for when you screw up - things like "I'm out of baking powder, what do I do?" - "use baking soda with cream of tarter".
(7,252 posts)I still don't understand why you wanted to host C&B when you're already hosting a bunch of other groups and you've never visited C&B before, had no idea what we're doing there, don't know any of us and don't know whether you'll like it there or not, Frankly, it rather felt to me as though an intruder had come in and was trying to bully his way into taking over. So be it. I saw that you decided to not compete with the group's choice and I applaud you for that.
Peace, brother!
I hope you have fun in C&B. It seems you have a lot of knowledge and experience and much to contribute. I look forward to your participation.
(5,649 posts)She can add you as a host after Skinner makes her the host of the group, if that is her wish.
Edited to add the link to the consensus for Lucinda:
(47,675 posts)I'd just like to be A host.
(57,234 posts)I'll let you be the judge.
EDIT: to add link.
(63,645 posts)denbot
(9,924 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)kdmorris
(5,649 posts)We feel we need a host to allow someone to pin posts. The nature of doing Genealogy means that there is tons of information in links and other sources of information (addresses, etc).
Here is the link to the post. Not a whole lot of people have responded yet, but those that have have been yes votes.
(63,645 posts)AsahinaKimi
(20,776 posts)Skinner ~sama:
We have over ten people now who would be interested in an Asian Group
Doumo arigatou gozaimasu!
Kimiko yori.
(63,645 posts)AsahinaKimi
(20,776 posts)Yay! Thank you!
(47,675 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)HopeHoops
(47,675 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)dsc
(52,819 posts)
I am leaning toward just having all the other people who were voted on in that thread as co hosts.
(63,645 posts)eppur_se_muova
(38,517 posts)also, n2doc replied in that thread that he is not interested, for reasons of time constraints.
One negative vote, later rescinded, 125 views.
(63,645 posts)dmr
(28,705 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Tx4obama
(36,974 posts)Thread here:
(63,645 posts)Kali
(56,124 posts)here is the thread discussing the matter, as per your instructions
oh and my star should be good for at least the next year
(63,645 posts)Rowdyboy
(22,057 posts)Apparently the group has lost its collective mind and wants me to be its host. Since I'm not very smart I agreed.
(63,645 posts)Renew Deal
(83,636 posts)We're going to give it a go and see what happens. I'm the lead.
(63,645 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 18, 2011, 07:52 PM - Edit history (2)
Change has come
(2,372 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Chemisse
(31,046 posts)Here is my (meager) support thread.
(63,645 posts)petronius
(26,678 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Response to Skinner (Original post)
kdmorris This message was self-deleted by its author.
(9,740 posts)I put a thread up for a few days and nobody complained.
(63,645 posts)racaulk
(11,550 posts)Our state forum doesn't appear to be as active as others, so take this thread for what you will. There are no objections, at least.
(63,645 posts)xmas74
(29,850 posts)I'm already a host in the Missouri group. I'll host the group if it's ok with you, otherwise they will probably need someone over there soon. It's an area that can become heated at times.
(63,645 posts)xmas74
(29,850 posts)Initially someone else stated they'd cohost but no one heard back from them. I said I'd host if needed, since my other group isn't busy right now. Critters2 stated they'd appreciate it if I did so and regnaD kciN stated they'd cohost if I hosted, which I agree.
(63,645 posts)Stinky The Clown
(68,533 posts)This came about in this thread from that group:
(63,645 posts)Evergreen Emerald
(13,095 posts)No group host response, no Oily Bubbles thread response (ripe for duzy comments), no Hillary Clinton for President mind is focused on only one thing. I must know. Am I one of the four? Skinner can you see me?
(63,645 posts)As far as I can tell, this is your first post in this thread. What group do you want to host?
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)These may fit in a few of the forums, but do get buried quite quickly.
n2doc's feedback thread:
(115,177 posts)After we in the forum had spent a while discussing the issue, I put up this thread declaring my intent.
(63,645 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)ManiacJoe
(10,136 posts)Skinner
(63,645 posts)Number23
(24,544 posts)Seeing the drama in the other forums and knowing that we keep getting repeat racist trolls has made me rethink my decision that our group doesn't need hosts.
(63,645 posts)Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)See here for the discussion in the group:
and the earlier discussion on whether we even wanted a host here:
Please note: I had sent you a PM on this same topic because I had forgotten about this thread. Ignore the PM!
(63,645 posts)ELKODCH
(11 posts)
(37,549 posts)Is delivered this weekend.
Response to Skinner (Original post)
Pavlo This message was self-deleted by its author.
(10,039 posts)Neoma
(10,039 posts)Here is the voting poll:
(63,645 posts)Aerows
(39,961 posts)With such awesome games as Guild Wars 2 looming on the horizon, and other greats on the way, I'm sure that it can use the help . I'm already a member.
Link to a post in the group:
Oh, and I made us a vent channel, too - I made it when we were all playing Diablo 3. It's only a 15 person at a time subscription, but it's very cheap so I've kept it up. Hoping to really use it for GW2