Activist Headquarters
Related: About this forumBan FAUX advertisers!!! Let's break their bank!!!
From watching as much FOX as I could stomach, with a purpose. The companies that advertise on FOX are doing just as much damage to worker's rights and equality/justice as the FOX channel itself.
Each break between Obama-bashing and lamenting having to pay any employees of any sort a LIVING wage... The following advertisers repeat each cycle:
Do your part: Let's BAN products from:

(13,985 posts)Sorry, but I can't do that.
Tigress DEM
(7,887 posts)At least tell them it makes you want to buy a Chevy!!
(13,985 posts)I don't have stats to back this up, but I'm pretty certain most of the Dodge / Ford trucks are bought by ppl who tend to lead to the right.
They're not going to stop advertising on RW media anytime soon.
Tigress DEM
(7,887 posts)IF Dodge and Ford aren't selling trucks and/or cars to the left, THEN THEY ARE STUPID.
WE ARE THE MAJORITY. 4 more years of Obama and we will probably be able to afford to buy cars instead of nursing every mile out of the ones we have. I've owned Fords and drive a Dodge, not a truck, but they make other types of vehicles.
FORD FUSION isn't being created/marketed for/to people who want gas guzzling monsters. Chevy Volt sounding like the more TRUE BLUE American choice to me.
They may still advertise on RW media, but I want them to shake in their boots when they do. I want the damm ground to RUMBLE with the ROAR of WE THE PEOPLE who are SICK AND TIRED of their pandering to these GOONS and giving them money to pretend any legitimate purpose for their being on the air.
Tigress DEM
(7,887 posts)Maybe they will put pressure on FAUX to get rid of the worst offenders, like RUSH, O'Reilly and BECK - oh wait, I forgot he's already gone.
It might still be a sucky station and no less right wing in the full balance, but if we can add fuel to the fire that burns those *&(&(^(&'s at the stake, then we're making progress against the extremism.
IF WE YELL LOUD ENOUGH, they will throw someone under the bus and scramble to prove that they aren't really as awful as they are. They don't have scruples. They think whoever yells the loudest is right. Well, let's start yelling loud enough to drown them out or shake the very bricks of the station down around them.
After 8 years of *ush and all the lies about and against the DEMs I'm tired of behaving like the rational person I am. It will be good therapy.
(802 posts)but I will not, not, not go there until they pay attention to my letters calling for them to stop advertising as much on FOX network stating they are personally offensive, biased and insult my relations, my life every single day.
GM's divisions do not advertise on FOX for this very reason--- AND--- most importantly--- they were the first company to pay back every dime of bailout money they recieved!!!!!
Tigress DEM
(7,887 posts)Didn't realize they advertised on FAUX Knews because I don't watch that crap. Figures though.
(794 posts)I've been in favor of this approach for years, but have been unable to find complete lists of F*x "news" advertisers. I find I become physically ill when I try to watch the channel to find out for myself. I think it would be more helpful for future successes if the boycott or ban starts with the smaller, more easily harmed, firms that support this antiAmerican station and their lies.
(802 posts)It would be nearly impossible to ban every company that advertises on FOX. But Dodge, Ford and Verizon are handing Rupert Murdoch and co. millions of U.S. dollars daily to support this drivel.
(5 posts)I'm on a site to flush Rush Limbaugh and we are killing Rush!! If you/we can set up a site like that one...I'd say, we might have a good chance of shutting Fox down. We do not insult anyone; but, when you have a few thousand people sending messages, they start listening. This is a good idea....something we should do!!
(802 posts)My time is so limited. I'm snapping this out on a work break, and only have limited internet access, no web hosting personally possible. If I may suggest, though... two things.
1. Yes, I know this may require premedication. But watch some FAUX. Note the show and time that offends you personally. It won't
take long.
I couldn't get link number two to work. If you have same trouble,
Right hand side quick links: "File a Consumer Complaint".
Choose "Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues" and click "NEXT"
Choose "Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT include Obscene, Profane or Indecent material)"
Click "Complete the Form"