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Related: About this forumRESIST GUN VIOLENCE...March For Our Lives!
Sat, March 24th over 800 cities around the world. The NRA and GOP $$$$$ DO NOT CONTROL THE U.S.!
This is NOT normal...80% of parents discussing with their children what to do if a shooter is in their own school. Don't make it normal. Only 3% of Americans approve of the use of guns and the current laws which allow weapons of war to be legally and easily obtained. 99% of gun VIOLENCE is done by WHITE, MALES!!!!! The US has 4.5% of the world's population yet 44% of the world's guns. The Founding Fathers wrote the 2nd amend. over 250 years ago. The intent was to protect themselves from a militia using muskets and bayonets. This is being used an excuse, not an argument, by gun nuts who are violent (and usually men) to allow themselves get their kicks from killing something/anything without forethought or regulation. GUNS KILL! Period. STOP THIS NOW! RESIST! VOTE!
MARCH FOR OUR LIVES Sat the 24th 817+ cities will be hosting marches/rallies. Only 75 were organized at this time a few days after the FL High School shootings one month ago. This will likely surpass the Women's March in numbers. This is a WORLD WIDE event now and it started with determined young people that had #ENOUGH! They are RESISTING!
Two weeks ago I learned that the 500,000 people planning to attend the March in DC at the Mall wouldn't be allowed to as they had planned since they didn't get their permit in before another event that was already scheduled had made arrangements for that place and date. I just saw on MSNBC (Lawrence) that the Cherry Blossom Festival was kind enough to move their event to Sunday, March 25th so the anti-gun violence protesters will be able to have their March For Our Lives after all. Here is the current map with info, places, times, maps, ideas, etc.

(26,243 posts)Well, here...! Marching!
(15,146 posts)What I've observed is that word of mouth, local TV, social media, etc. generate community excitement... and it's a Saturday to boot. At the 2016 St. Petersburg Women's March, only about 1500 people officially signed up as "going", but it was estimated that as many as 5000 would show up. Well.... 20,000 marched and many of those decided to join in on the day of the march. Whole neighborhoods emptied out into the streets.
Orange is the color of the day for our March... or blue. I'll be there in my Dayglo Orange sweatshirt (and socks to match) that I bought in 1965 at a little shop in Speculator, NY. I knew I hung onto them for a reason.
"This is not a red thing or a blue thing or left or right thing. This is just a human experience that we all need to come together to stop." - Kayla Dixon, local high school junior.