Activist Headquarters
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This message was self-deleted by its author (grumpyduck) on Wed Jan 3, 2018, 07:55 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(63,526 posts)you can go right ahead without fear of a knock on your door.
Welcome to DU.
(16,590 posts)It is NK who is itching for a conflict.
Remember when NK declared all-out war on SK some 5 years ago?
Remember when NK shelled a desolate SK island with artillery just because?
Remember when a SK ship sunk and it was in all likelihood a NK torpedo?
Remember the good old times when NK used to regularly kidnap SK borderguards, to the point of kidnapping them straight out of diplomatic meetings?
Have you read any witness-accounts of people who made it out of NK? Here's an example for what kind of math NK children get taught in school:
"If A kills 20 americans pigs and B kills 22 american pigs, how many american pigs have they killed?"
The correct answer is not "42".
The correct answer is "42 american pigs".
Or how about escaped North Koreans who told journalists that the NK citizens have no idea what's going on in the world?
FFS, educate yourself before writing bothsiderism.
(6,657 posts)Yes, DetleftK, I remember all those incidents, and yes I have read witness accounts. But if you read my post again, you'll notice I wasn't writing "bothsiderism." Just the opposite.
NK has been lobbing rhetoric and bullshit at the US for years and years, long before the T took office. But so far the responses from here haven't been similar to the T's. My question was about what would happen HERE if people did that. There have been comments in the media about Tillerson and a few others not speaking for T, and it drives him nuts. So, would the T freak out? Would he order the Gestapo to arrest everyone who signed the letter? Would he crash Twitter? Would the rest of the world roll over laughing at the response?
Maybe I wasn't 110% clear that I was indulging in a bit of instigation, and I'll definitely keep that in mind for next time. I was hoping the last paragraph would clue people in, but apparently not. But please read the OP again before responding again. I am not writing "bothsiderism."
(6,930 posts)As you suggest we do. I hate 45s rhetoric toward this regimes leader, but that is not a good place. That soldier who defected had intestinal worms for crying out loud. And he was presumably one of the lucky ones with a good job. The people there are starving. You want us to write a letter saying, hey. We are all cool with you, Kim.?
(6,657 posts)Okay, obviously my OP wasn't clear, or I just haven't tuned in to the writing style here yet. Again, what I was curious about was seeing how ticked off T and his buddies would get at a bunch of us telling NK we think POTUS is a jerk.
I will write this off to experience and try to make my next OP clearer.