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Related: About this forumElectoral College in Play? Names and hometowns of electors available here:
Coyotl's post "Electoral College is in Play" suggests we really could have an impact by writing electors in states that went for Trump. Names and hometowns are listed at the link below.
Coyotl's post:
Names of electors voting for president

Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)... we're to do the same thing? "Undermining the foundation of democracy?"
I'll pass. Hypocrisy isn't my thing.
Ruth Bonner
(192 posts)set to step into the role of President who has broken the law before ascending to office? As often as Trump? And gotten away with it, and bragged about doing so?
Nixon's statement, "When when the President does it, it's not against the law." Nixon only got to that mindset after he was in the office for a while. Trump is there already.
This is not policy disagreement, it is about the foundation of democracy - the rule of law.
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)Ruth Bonner
(192 posts)and if voting their conscience means voting for Hillary, then that's okay with me.
Is there any information that could come out about him and/or the election that would sway you that electors should be faithless? If there is no boundary beyond which we will break out of social norms and use a fail-safe mechanism placed there by the founders, then I think we are abdicating personal responsibility.
The Democratic Party has superdelegates that act as electors for the party nomination. They can be faithless if the situation warrants it. If John Edwards had gotten the 2008 nomination and then info about him cheating on his wife, who was dying of cancer came out, then superdelegates voting for the next most popular candidate would seem like the right way to go to me.
If we know Trump to be a threat to our democracy then faithless electors could save our ass.
The first time I heard a guy at work mentioned this possibility, I thought it was crap, now I'm wondering.
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)... because the system was rigged and Clinton was a criminal, that was undermining democracy.
When you advocate the same thing because the election was rigged and you gut tells you Trump is a criminal, that's okay.
(27,985 posts)There are genuine anomalies.
Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)... and they could tell you why.
Prior to the election, we were convinced it was not rigged ... until we lost. Now we're call foul.
(3,212 posts)I hope this doesn't backfire. I know we'd like to think that there are no crazies on our side, but there are.
Ruth Bonner
(192 posts)... heroes for democracy (suffragettes) and for Civil Rights as if they can/do only exist in the past, as if we don't need them now. Protesters are risking their safety, so are people speaking out against Trump. Heroes are typically surrounded by people who love them and don't want them to risk their lives or wellbeing. Courage is knowing you are in danger and doing it anyway.
(3,212 posts)to change their vote? The fact is that we are willing to put opponents lives at risk. What does that say about us?
I really fear where we are going, and I'm very sad to say that not all of my fears are because of Trump.
If we aren't careful, we are going to lose even more votes at the mid-terms.
Ruth Bonner
(192 posts)I would be disgusted and appalled by anyone who used threats to compel anyone to vote against their conscience. I am unaware of any such threats coming from the left. And, then again, human nature is what it is... it could happen. I'd support the law coming down on anyone who acted in such a manner like a ton of bricks.
(13,303 posts)AND sample letters: