2 babies, 2 separate pregnancies: Alabama woman born with double uterus pregnant in both
2 babies, 2 separate pregnancies: Alabama woman born with double uterus pregnant in both
Updated: 11:55 AM EST Nov 9, 2023
Lisa Crane
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — She is a medical anomaly. An Alabama woman was born with two uteri and two cervixes. ... That's just the beginning of this amazing story. Now, Kelsey Hatcher is expecting, pregnant in both uteri. So two babies and technically two separate pregnancies!
Kelsey and her husband Caleb have a pretty busy life. They both work, and they have three children, ages 7, 4 and 2. They thought their family was complete until Kelsey realized she was pregnant in the spring. When she went for her first ultrasound appointment, she got some information she needed to pass along to Caleb. ... “I said, 'well, there's two of them in there.' And he said, 'you're lying.' I said, 'no, I’m not,'" Kelsey told sister station WVTM.
But what shocked her obstetrician wasn't the fact that she's having two babies, but that she has a double uterus — two functional uteri, and she has a baby in each of them. ... “Very, very rare. Yes. OB/GYNs go their whole careers without seeing anything like this," OB/GYN Dr. Shweta Patel said.
Kelsey has two uteri, each with its own cervix. She's known about her physical oddity for a while, and she knows it’s pretty rare. That's why her pregnancy is considered high-risk. UAB Dr. Richard Davis specializes in high-risk pregnancies.