Related: About this forumAlabama Senate erupts in chaos as GOP tries to jam through bill to punish abortions with 99 years in
Alabama Senate erupts in chaos as GOP tries to jam through bill to punish abortions with 99 years in prison
The Alabama State Senate erupted into chaos on Thursday after members of the Republican Party tried to jam through a bill that would have made having an abortion punishable by 99 years in prison without even allowing exceptions for cases of rape and incest. reports that the Republican caucus in the Alabama Senate ignited a firestorm in the chamber when they removed an amendment in their anti-abortion bill that would have exempted women who had abortions after being raped from being punished by decades in prison.
This led to furious objections by Democratic lawmakers, who eventually succeeded in getting the Republicans to table the motion and push back a final vote on it until next week.
According to, Democratic senators led by Senate Minority Leader Bobby Singleton strongly objected to Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth, who presides over the Senate, for his quick gavel on tabling the rape and incest amendment on a voice vote, meaning there is no recorded vote.
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(17,770 posts)Fasten your seatbelt, much more of this "Christian" Fascism to come.
(3,620 posts)where we can send the Christian fundamentalists, the Muslim fundamentalists, the Buddhist fundamentalists, and the Hindu fundamentalists so they can just fight their stupid holy wars without screwing the rest of us?
I don't care what fairy tale they want to believe. Just stop forcing their ignorant stone-aged fantasies on the rest of us.
(3,574 posts)
or maybe that's too about Pluto?

(3,620 posts)Atticus
(15,124 posts)sinkingfeeling
(54,460 posts)LastLiberal in PalmSprings
(13,123 posts)The existence of a "morning after" pill drives them up the wall.
I'm still trying to understand the passion these people have about protecting the fetus, given how little they care about the child once it is born. For example, they don't provide prenatal or post birth medical care (0-18 years), they cut education funds to the bare bones, they support "just because" wars (ones which don't directly affect the safety of the country), they make it nearly impossible for willing married gay or lesbian couples to adopt children, they don't care that the existing foster care system results in placements which in some cases make "Annie" look like a trip to summer camp, and they deny both climate change and the efficacy of vaccinations. Despite all of this, they wave the banner of being "pro-life."
Also, there is absolutely no discussion of the responsibilities of the father of the child who results from intercourse. I think any law that attempts to restrict abortion should be required to include a section on making the father totally financially responsible for the child he's sired. If the father is under 18, then the burden is placed on his parents.
Personally, I think anti-abortionists just love the emotional high they get when they argue they are protecting "the life of the unborn child." Basically, it's an addiction to adrenaline. They're all a bunch of drug addicts.
(5,340 posts)We're not going back.