Alabama Baptists condemn 'alt-right white supremacy'
The Alabama Baptist Convention approved a resolution Tuesday condemning racism, including "alt-right white supremacy and white nationalism."
The resolution echoes one passed by the Southern Baptist Convention in June, that called "alt-right supremacy" an "anti-Gospel."
The resolution was one of several adopted during a two-day meeting that concluded today at Whitesburg Baptist Church in Huntsville. The Baptists also passed a statement on the sanctity of life, opposing abortion for any reason after conception, and called on Birmingham to repeal its gay-rights ordinance because it "infringes" on religious freedom.
"Radicalized movements in the United States are awakening racial and ethnic divisions that seek to reignite social animosities, reverse improvements in race relations, divide our people and stir up anger and further separation of races," the statement "promoting gospel unity for all races and ethnicities" said.
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