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(29 posts)mahina
(19,584 posts)But as far as I read down to mention Japan’s purchasing in January
Foreigners Dump U.S. Treasuries. Here’s Who Did the Most Selling.
Investors abroad sold longer term Treasuries for three consecutive months, a sign of central bankers reducing their reliance on the U.S. as a financial buffer.
In January, foreigners sold a net $13.3 billion of U.S. notes and bonds that had more than one year to maturity, the latest Treasury data show. It comes after $49.69 billion was sold in December, following sales of $34.41 billion in the month of U.S. elections, November. Global central banks represent a big chunk of foreign demand.
Before the back-to-back net selling of the world’s safest debt, foreigners had kept buying for 15 straight months.
The largest net seller in January was Canada. The U.K. was the largest buyer in January, after having been the largest net seller in December. Norway and Japan were the second and third largest net buyers in January, respectively, Goldman said in a note.
The rationale for selling can be explained in two ways: Threat of sanctions, freezing of foreign assets, and tariffs work because the role U.S. and its currency plays in the financial machinery. Central banks working to shield their own economy from any potential U.S. punitive action in the future could be reducing their use of dollars. To buy Treasuries, central banks exchange their own currency for dollars. To sell, they do the reverse.
(17,076 posts)guard rails and norms etc failing all around on a daily basis, there is little reason to draw distinctions between TCF and various supposedly independent US institutions.
(1,200 posts)After WWI, the currency collapse eventually led to dictatorship and aggression.
And away we go.
A bushel of Reichsmark.
Die Deutsche Mark was the very stable currency that made its appearance in the late Forties with the founding of the Bundesrepublik. It was the backbone of the Euro, and one of the few former currencies of the euro nations that never lost its backing by its central bank. Even today, anyone with old Deutsche Mark banknotes can exchange them for euros at any Landeszentralbank in Germany. The old Reichsmark notes are sold to tourists for a few cents each.
(1,200 posts)Over 55 years ago.
Thanks for the correction.
(57,559 posts)The difference is that I now live in Germany, married to a German woman, and we speak German at home.
I get constant refresher courses............
(559 posts)The Felon is the dumbest SOB and the Republicans are right in lockstep. Way to go voters, you sure showed us.
(115 posts)Thanks for pointing this out Buddyzbuddy.
(138,958 posts)(Sorry, bond-holders)
(1,492 posts)The stupidity of Trump is staggering. He is going to run this country into the ground like one of his shitty casinos. He is a fraud and a conman and understands nothing about the economy and the government. He does know how to lie and steal though. And he does have some organized fascists around him like Vought and Miller who can tell him what to do to establish a Christian Fascist Dictatorship. Terrible period in history that we live in. Hard to believe that it is real. Feels like bad dystopian fiction.
(372 posts)A more disturbing possibility, actually. Maybe he does know what he's doing, and destroying America is the objective. Putin would like nothing more, surely, and we all know Trump's adoration of Putin.
I think that Trump is breaking down the country to pieces to sell off the fragments and make a mint. This coincides with Putin's plans. The two are mutually compatible. Trump is incompetent when it comes to government and the economy, but he is a master thief and liar. I do believe that he will destroy the economy and the country if he is not stopped. He wants to be like Putin-- the richest and the most powerful. One advantage that we have is that Trump is old. I do not imagine that he will last another ten years, and he could possibly go much sooner than that, given his age and lack of physical fitness. So at least there is that.
(72,185 posts)he was talking about the tariffs the other day, saying we didnt need anything from them. he was talking about lumber, and i thought- he’s gonna clear cut fed land.
(41,679 posts)All happening because there's no mechanism for punishment for people who violate their oath of office.
(250 posts)I mean, seriously, there always have been people who sought to take over governments. They should have planned *something* for a situation like this.
(41,679 posts)...treason. In my opinion, anyway, treason itself IS an act of war - and we're there.
(1,492 posts)I agree with you about treason. Here is a repost of another post of mine that might be relevant-
Trump and Musk are enemies of the Constitution. They are willfully and repeatedly violating it. That is treason. Feds take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. We do not take an oath to a president or a leader. Our loyalties are to the Constitution and Democracy. Just because Trump was elected does not allow him to subvert the law and shred the Constitution.
Criminal violation of the Constitution is treason. The Trump Musk Regime has broken the law, usurped the powers of Congress, illegally destroyed federal agencies, and disregarded the judicial branch. This is all a willful violation of the Constitution. They show no signs of stopping and will probably escalate. Trump has repeatedly violated the Constitution and this renders his Presidency null and void. We have the legal right and the moral obligation to remove him from office.
(41,679 posts)... virtually every day. I'm sure many brilliant and qualified legal experts are taking note and preparing lawsuits. I just hope we still can muster the judicial strength to see all of this crackery laid to rest. Musk and Trump - enemies foreign and domestic.
(41,679 posts)...that has failed upward - just like Trump. He's an obvious, amateur thief and a horrible liar, and practice has not made perfect. Donald Trump has always been the failure of everyone whose job, responsibility or oath of office has been to arrest, discipline and punish him. Like him, they, too, were after something besides truth, justice and the American way. Something bad, cheap and likely illegal.
(115 posts)Baron 2024 is spot on. Trump's downhill slide both mentally and physically is my incentive to outlive him, since we are the same age. A little red guy with horns will be his next cabinet secretary.
(308,832 posts)Johnny999r
(115 posts)Indeed. What a clown show his organization is. Selecting unqualified yes men based solely how high they could jump when Trump mumbles incoherently. Spineless sycophants. As long as they remember to cut Trump in on any forced money making opportunities, regardless who the victims are. No shame in these bastards. Musk is the instigator, both have no sympathy for turning thousands of people's lives upside down. Trump and Musk are claiming they are cutting waste and corruption. I wonder if Musk's teams throughly investigated this to make sure those firings were justified under current law. Regardless, it doesn't matter anyway, they just make shit up. I want both to present evidence under oath and watch bootlicker Republicans kiss Trump and Putin's feet during the process. Lying show here we come, presented by the minister weirdo Steven Miller.
(193 posts)Coming soon... Foreclosure Season!!!!! Truthfully, NO ONE KNOWS how this ends. The Economy is so much more complex than single-issue voters can imagine, and far beyond the ken of this bunch of Wizards. But they will still profit from the chaos unleashed, regardless (no, REALLY regardless) of the misery they create.
(252 posts)Doesn’t TSF want to replace the $ with his bit coin?
(4,902 posts)If they can't find someone to buy our debt. Watch Russia buy it up in exchange for Alaska or something. This could send us into a depression real soon.
(308,832 posts)with us in it?
It will hurt the US $$$ But will it hurt Mumputinn?
(57,559 posts)Totally nuts. Here in Europe (and no doubt in the USA as well, soon if not already) thieves are grabbing gold chains off women's neck in public to the point where many don't wear them in public any more. They just put them on inside the restaurant or event after they arrive. Ripping a chain off some woman's neck was petty stuff when all the thief could get for it was $40 or so. Now, at about $100 a gram, a 5 gram chain is worth the effort, with very little risk of getting caught, and, at least in most of Europe, no chance of prosecution even if they ARE caught.
Investment marketers in the States that used to sell old $20 gold pieces at $900 each when gold was at $750 used to do quite a regular business selling to the public. For a normal mortal with a little cash to invest, he could buy five of these coins for under $5000. Now? Now it would cost $15,000! People do not have three times the pocket money they did ten years ago, and there are just as many coins around on the market as they were then. I've heard that some dealers are choking on their inventory, and even melting coins that are of lesser states of preservation--unheard of just a few years ago.
There used to be a few outfits in China that were doing perfect copies of 100 gram gold bars with a 1mm layer of .9999 gold on the outside, but tungsten on the inside. The specific gravity is almost the same, and only very sophisticated detection could tell the difference. Colleagues have told me that many dealers have been fooled, and bought the fake bars, with maybe $600 worth of gold on the outside, and a few dollars' worth of tungsten on the inside, for $3000+ thinking they were the original solid gold bars from Swiss Banks, Johnson Matthey, or whoever. The Chinese have apparently managed to replicate the exterior perfectly. Big honey attracts big flies.
(65,924 posts)As long ago as the 1970s Chinese companies were pirating books, then they moved on to DVDs. They pirate luxury goods. They're very skilled.
(57,559 posts)When Donald Trump died in 2018, the clone they made from his DNA looks exactly like the original, although the Beta version is much meaner and grasps even less about the government he thinks he is running.
(41,679 posts)A difference that makes no difference is no difference.
(57,559 posts)BoRaGard
(4,580 posts)
(41,679 posts)JanMichael
(25,544 posts)Not like it's planned or anything other than to crash the United States. No plan after that.
That's what Putin has paid Trump for. Destroy the United States. That's it. Super simple.
(65,924 posts)Putin wants to weaken the U.S. and destabilize alliances among democracies. So far it's working very well with very little pushback.
(2,660 posts)This occurs when the Republican Party gives tax cuts to the wealthy without paying for them. The $36 Trillion is also the amount of cash that the Wealthy were allowed to keep.
If Japan, other countries, and regular investors decide to cash in those Treasuries - the USA would be insolvent. Why? Because we could not pay back $36T.
You will see a run on cashing in those Treasuries - investors getting their money back before there is no more USA.
(1,090 posts)How bad can that get?
(54,827 posts)yardwork
(65,924 posts)Putin's plan to destroy America, that is.
(65,924 posts)AnnaLee
(1,222 posts)but
I admit I have been wondering when China and, now, Europe and Canada would use the selling of US bonds as part of their means of controlling the US.
(19,191 posts)RazorbackExpat
(358 posts)Prime Minister Ishiba has come out saying that he's going to strengthen the US-Japan relationship. For what it's worth, he doesn't have much of a choice because there are 3 crazy countries to the immediate west of Japan. But at the same time, his approval rating is even lower than Trump's