r/fednews Fastmoving Developments from Veterans Affairs
Dear DUers. I'm not certain what is newsworthy or not with a lot of what is being posted by the Federal workforce on Reddit. I will try to keep it to a minimum. There is so much going on and almost every post there seems to contain information that someone might find important.
One thing is for certain: Our new MAGA administration really doesn't like BlueSky.
Bluesky blocked by VA servers
Long time listener, first time poster. Just found out that all our VA servers are blocking access to Bluesky. No surprise there.
Other developments in VA, specifically, research:
Most research sites have blocked access to studies (illegalpublic access to federally-funded research is required by law)
Suicide prevention training has been cancelled for VHA providers
The free research webinar series, which used to be open to the public, now requires a "va.gov" email to register. (This means that Veterans, non-VA researchers, etc. can't register for them.)
The first reply is:
Im assuming you can still access the website formerly known as twitter?
I doubt I'm alone on saying that I really, really don't like this administration messing with Veterans Affairs, or our Veterans period. Civil Servants have been blocked from accessing medical studies. It is twisted and sick that they are abruptly cancelling Suicide Prevention Training. Shows you how little they care. But I guess we've known that for eight years.