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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsPeople Fail. When They Do, They Blame Something for the Failure
However, it's very rare that they blame themselves or the choices they have made. That's very hard for people to do. It's depressing if you admit it.
So, when people like Trump and MAGA come and tell you that your failure wasn't because of you, but because of "The Others," that's a convenient thing go grab onto. Much easier than looking inward and solving your own problems and inadequacies.
So, why did Trump win? Well, because he and his cohorts convinced votes that "The Others" cause all their misery and failure. Easy out.
Works every time.

(24,478 posts)He blames minorities and immigrants for his failures. He doesnt like me because Im too uppity and a woman. I worked hard all my life and was lucky to have a great husband. The couple of downfalls Id have in my life Ive managed to pick myself up and move on.
Your assessment is so correct! Whinny little babies !
(1,067 posts)Im so tired of hearing what democrats did wrong and who they should jettison to win.
Ive seen the southern strategy play out and become more inclusive. The haters and the folks looking to blame others for their imperfect world lap it up.
(2,561 posts)"a" reason we lost. There are many, and they all add up.
But to the point, even this post is blaming someone else rather than taking the hard look at our own strategy, methods and ideals. . We had all of the same tools and vehicles available to us that the Trump campaign did. We can blame Trump or the media all day for things like lying, but how did we respond to that, and was it effective? We can't stop him from lying, so we must focus on our responses to that, just an example. We can't change what Trump says, we can only change how we respond.
We can speculate all day long, and I'm guilty of my share of it as well, but until the people who know the numbers are willing to make a brutally honest assessment of the overall failures and weaknesses and then apply that knowledge, nothing will improve.
It hurts, but it's honest. But I don't think that we are (generally speaking) willing to do that. The proof is that whenever I say this out loud, I just get attacked. We must be honest with ourselves if we are going to find the path around this.
(148,664 posts)the same thing I said, but without understanding that I was not offering a way to fix it. I don't know of one.
Blaming others rather than ourselves is something we all do at times.
That's the reason Trump won, this time. He's a populist, using the strategies of populism. It's a very effective path to power, unfortunately. I was just talking about why that is.
Politically, populism is based on the lie that other people are the cause of your problems. The populist says, "I will destroy the the people who were the cause and return you all to prosperity and happiness." Of course, that never happens because it's a lie. Lies and promises can sell almost anything.
(8,009 posts)that's the lesson we never learn, because we want our chosen leader to be honest to the core, empathetic, pay fealty and faith to "christian doctrine"
we have yet to fully grasp what it takes to win in this very corrupt fake democracy.
(148,664 posts)S/V Loner
(9,271 posts)the Maga's would have Phd's.
(14,018 posts)However, *rump didn't pull off enough votes from Democrats to have been able to win if the party just showed up. What I'm trying to figure out is why Democrats stayed home. They came out for Obama, who ran a similar campaign to Harris, (sans the bodily autonomy), and there wasn't as much on the line, other than another 4 years of globalist policies.
The GOP win this election could easily have gone the other way if Democrats and lean Democratic indies actually made the effort to vote.
I accept that the poor Democratic showing in 2010 caused the gerrymandering that kettled Democrats into easily managed districts. But the only things I could possibly deduce to as to the poor showing of Democratic voters in battleground states are the following points:
1. Passive voter suppression - "Red" states kettling majority blue districts, insufficient voting options as compared to red districts. I think that's probably the primary reason not enough Democrats showed.
2. Sparkle Pony politics. The link there is voters who felt there was not enough pandering to "working class", instead, the focus was on other people's social rights issues - or vice versa. I'm pretty sure that came from Troll farm influence, but it could still peel off a thousand or so votes in a critical blue wall district in a purple state, causing a cumulative loss of votes greater than can be overcome.
On edit here - Harris ran on kitchen table issues more than "social issues", but the GOP and Media linked her to Trans and social issues - no matter what she said, the Media was running against her, rather than against him.
3. Misogyny when it comes to the idea of a female Commander in Chief. We saw this with Hillary Clinton. Yes, they'd be happy enough with a female VP or Senator, but full time, in charge of everything? Some voters, male, female, or other, can't really handle the thought. Females = Mom. Dad's supposed to be the protector of the family. Unfortunately, that's a personal voter problem, you aren't going to overcome that.
4. Post COVID Incumbent losses. Ya, *rump was "in charge" at the COVID outbreak, but Biden and the Democrats were also. And even though the US was guided into an enviable soft landing, between rebuilding costs, food deserts and health care flight from low income areas, Greedflation and the Media propaganda, the lower income earners just weren't seeing it soon enough to change their minds and come out to vote.
Another two years of Bidenomics, they probably would be seeing returns on the investment, but we were still in a COVID tunnel, and the light at the end wasn't visible yet, to use a metaphor.
But the truth is, Democrats didn't show this election. For whatever reason Vibes? - whatever.
Next election, or the mid-terms, they probably will. Each election is different.
Heck, mid-terms, there should be sufficient GOP dissatisfaction over their Face-eating Sparkle Leopards we will end up with the House and Senate without trying to hard. Depends on what happens in Russia and whether or not US Media owners decide too much Chaos from *rump/Vance isn't helping their bottom line as much as they thought. Tech and Finance Bros fighting Evangelicals for a Randriod paradise.
Honestly, I don't really care about the Indy voters or the "undecideds"; most of them have already decided what party they're going to vote for before primaries were over.