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Tell me your Thanksgiving Shame.
My first solo Thanksgiving, I cut myself making stuffing and bled all over it. Rodney Dangerfield was a friend and he came into the kitchen and found me crying. He grabbed a spoon, mixed the blood in and and said "Honey, they're all drunk." Everyone ate it.
November 28, 2024 at 3:40 PM

(7,309 posts)Too funny.
My shame is enjoying this holiday, despite the fact we decimated the indigenous people to celebrate it. Yeah, that's why I usually just say happy turkey Day.
Ocelot II
(123,556 posts)allegedly while a busy, stressed out woman was making a tuna casserole for her family, the cat was pestering her for food. So she opened a can of tuna cat food, but somehow she managed to put the cat food in the casserole and fed the "human" tuna to the cat. The family ate the casserole with no complaint; the cat was happy; and the error was not discovered until after dinner, based on the relative locations of the opened cans. She never told her family...
(32,712 posts)Ocelot II
(123,556 posts)Iggo
(48,730 posts)Bird finished and removed from oven.
Hey! Whats this baggie inside the bird?
That was the day I learned about giblets.
(9,323 posts)Lynette was looking for a turkey roasting pan.
Found the roasting pan in the oven containing the carcass of her Thanksgiving turkey complete with about a month's worth of mold and other rot.
(7,702 posts)Is I overcooked the green beans today, lol
because I was distracted by one of my cats when the timer rang. I hate when I overcook vegetables.
I had a little white wine and Im debating. Should I open that bottle of champagne?
Years ago, nothing to do with a holiday, my aunt was telling us while we were eating a chicken dinner and soup I think that she took the old bones from peoples plates and made chicken soup out of it. I thought my grandmother was gonna have a conniption of horror fit.😹
Ocelot II
(123,556 posts)which they don't any more now that they have grandkids and the event occurs at my niece's house and she doesn't invite me, which is actually OK because their kids are brats and her husband is a grouch, but that's a whole 'nother story - Anyhow, my SIL always used to make this nasty, disgusting concoction of sweet potatoes, brown sugar and marshmallows on top, which you put under the broiler to brown the marshmallows, and the marshmallows caught fire. It was awesome.