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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsHappy Thanksgiving, DU! I'm grateful for this site & all of you, for liberals everywhere, for family I can still talk to
I lost an aunt, the youngest and last of her generation who'd become the family matriarch, three months ago. And as I write this, a cousin, my great-aunt's daughter and my aunt's best friend, is in hospice and could pass at any time.
There are both liberals and Trump supporters in my family. We have, with a couple of exceptions, managed to continue talking to one another anyway - by not discussing politics at all, at least in groups where it turns into choosing sides, two opposing teams.
Those of you who have RW relatives so offensive you can't do that have my sympathies. And if you feel you have to shut them out of your lives, at least until they change, you have my sympathies for that as well.
But I've been finding that with my family, when we can avoid the group arguments, quiet one-on-one talks that are mostly about matters other than politics can make them aware of facts they don't get from RW media and start to shift their opinions and their trust in RW media. So I'm making what political inroads I can, in my shrinking family. And I expect the bad impacts Trump will have on the lives of most of his supporters will also affect them, and I'm willing to be there for them to talk about it when it happens.
And of course that won't stop me from being very blunt about politics elsewhere, sometimes with a lot of expletives.
But not with relatives whose minds are still open, even a little...and not on Thanksgiving, when we're all missing those who are physically missing, and hoping they're all enjoying their family reunion on the other side.
Wishing all of you the best Thanksgiving possible at this stressful time...

(64,186 posts)Deepest condolences on. Your aunt's passing.
The holidays sure do make us miss our lost loved ones as we reminesce about years gone by...
Good for you being able to hold your tongue in check around MAGAt relatives.
(54,665 posts)As for holding our tongues - we all had to start learning to do that a couple of generations ago, on the subject of religion. I can remember lots of family gatherings with a few dozen people at my grandfather's place, including the great-aunt who was a nun (my grandparents were devout Catholics), Protestants of different sects, agnostics and atheists. (Not sure the cousin who eventually became Wiccan was at any of the same gatherings as the nun.)
(64,186 posts)Haha. Indeed.
My poor parents tried to rear me as a Catholic, but I knew better. As a very young child, I would call out the hypocrisy & was always told, "How dare you question the church?"
To which I always replied, "How dare you not!?!"
And we were off to the races...
(13,136 posts)
(54,665 posts)FalloutShelter
(13,136 posts)
(1,802 posts)Blessings.
(54,665 posts)Blessings to you, too!
(11,685 posts)Happy Turkey Day to all DUers!
I'm one of the fortunate ones. I'll be with family and friends, nearly all commiserating Dems and for those who aren't? Well, we've managed to remain civil at the dinner table. No angry outbursts or obnoxious bellowing.
I think we all deserve one day of relative peace this year. Here's hoping we get it!
(54,665 posts)ancianita
(39,939 posts)Happiness comes when we're thankful for what and who we have. May we live in the spirit of Thanksgiving every day.
(54,665 posts)stress and challenge. We can't do a reunion and feast every day, but even a few minutes to focus on whatever we can be grateful for can make the day brighter.
(72 posts)I always enjoy your comments and perspectives and learn from them.
Like you and others, I have lost close relatives this year: my aunt on my mother's side and one aunt on my father's side. And my older half-brother from Idaho, with whom I had developed a close relationship over three decades. But we carefully avoided talking about politics. I miss him terribly, even though it's been almost a year since he passed from heart disease. Feels like last month.
It was a blessing to have known him. And so many others.
(54,665 posts)family holidays and birthdays, with the first year after a loss especially hard.
I don't know what your beliefs in an afterlife are - if any - and I don't really have any belief system myself. I left the Catholic Church in my teens, was never really tempted to join any other religion. But because of a few experiences of my own, what I heard of other experiences from people I've met, and what I've heard about near death experiences, I believe our spirits live on and we all have reunions to look forward to - reunions that are not dependent on any religions. Believing that can't take grief away completely or stop us missing loved ones, but it can prevent complete despair after loss. I always hope people have at least one comforting experience in their lives to give them faith in an afterlife, but heariing about other people's experiences can also help.
Evolve Dammit
(20,269 posts)
(54,665 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,269 posts)
(24,158 posts)
(54,665 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,158 posts)i am stuffed . came home with leftovers for several meals . including home made raviolis . mmmm
(10,732 posts)
(54,665 posts)worries. I hope your holiday was a love-filled one.