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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIt's the same shitshow as the last time
It's the same fucking play he's been acting since he was born.
Everything will be "the greatest, never-seen-in-the-history-of-the-world, everybody knows that, bigliest, bestest, better than Lincoln, winning" FUCKING BULLSHIT.
The press will be sure to spend 23.5 hours a day reporting his claims of "greatness", 5 minutes reporting that he "might be lying", and 25 minute of an annoying women, screaming a stupid song at the top of her lungs, selling us Allegra.
We'll be amazed at how increased unemployment, inflation, and the cratering of Americas standing in the world, isn't cutting through to the voters.

(19,382 posts)Why not have Rep Jefferies have a news conference everyday? Have him post a tweet every hour. The media is there for the taking. It just has to be grabbed. Im not sure why we dont go in front of cameras every minute like trump does.
(39,205 posts)Would be a great contrast because hes such a straight shooter.
I like this idea. We should do it.
(2,724 posts)MSNBC has supported Biden and attacked Trump from Day 1. But the Trump crowd will not listen to anti-Trump reporting.
They elected a guy who is psychopathic, who is a convicted felon, who tried to overthrow the government, who will try to overthrow the government again after he retakes the White House and they don't care...
The only thing that might change the mindset will be a massive failure of a Trump presidency...higher prices, lost jobs, continued immigration, failed deportation agenda. And even with those occurrences, he'll blame it all on Biden and they will believe him.
(20,379 posts)Why not? Because the press won't ever show up.
He's boring. Unlike TCF.
(1,741 posts)the thought of it's constant self serving manipulation is nauseating.
and always the teaser "in just 2 weeks .........."
(10,587 posts)In this era, we need stunts. So Leader Jeffries is going to need to get way out of his comfort zone.
I think the best analogy I can think of is that the orange man is a WWE wrestler, who plays by WWE "rules" .. and has joined an Olympic wrestling match playing by IOC rules. Leader Jeffries is certainly an accomplished "Olympic wrestler" but can he compete in WWE? And in the same "weight division"? We need "wrestlers" who can compete at the top level in both Olympic and WWE wrestling. I'm not saying Jeffries can't do it but he'll have to step up his game IMO.
(11,963 posts)It was inspired, kind of like the hip-hop roll call at the DNC. Jeffries represents a new generation of Dem leadership. They ought to get AOC and Jeffries to hold a daily presser to present the views of the shadow government like the opposition does in other countries. Maybe no one will show up at first but give em time ...
(33,054 posts)half of the population are too stupid to see it.
(41,563 posts)...the media (and the billionaires) on their side.
(49,157 posts)They are more experienced, juiced on their own power, and their hubris is off the charts.
(5,403 posts)magicarpet
(17,770 posts).... put him on the payroll to use his vast oratory skills to communicate about the Dem cause and agenda. Like the daily "Pete Bulletin".
Maybe in charge of the DNC. Maybe his own blog. Maybe become the communications press man sending him out to Fox, NewsMax, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc., etc, and chat up the Dem point of view and the ludicrous actions of Team trDumpee Humpty.
Wiz Imp
(4,136 posts)until January 20.
(37,549 posts)were qualified or wouldn't kiss his fat ass. This time he is starting off with unqualified criminals, traitors and nut jobs. Imagine
who he will replace them with.
seems to be an endless supply
(835 posts)can't have him in my life every freaking day. I just can't
I can honestly say I have not watched any news since the election, and I refuse to let him into my life anymore.
Wake me up in 4 years, please.
(1,755 posts)I am glad a few people are willing to watch that slop on tv and report back so I don't have to.
Read the news rather than watch. They are deliberately triggering people with all their razzle dazzle 'both sides do it' stuff.
(36,594 posts)maxrandb
(16,362 posts)If MSNBC wants to know where their audience went, it's people that don't want to see his stupid fucking face, or hear his fucking voice 24 hours a fucking day.
Want to see their ratings soar? Announce that they fucking won't broadcast a single second of him, or mention his name
(33,598 posts)One more thing to have to mute, much like I have to mute Shit-for-Brains and his toadies.
All of this is spot-on. It boggles my mind that people wanted another helping of that shit sandwich. Hope they all choke on it.
(409 posts)Is actually pretty good
Baitball Blogger
(49,490 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,269 posts)mn9driver
(4,671 posts)1. Say something ridiculous or infuriating or both. Wait while the media goes crazy. This will last 24-48 hours.
2. Say the opposite of what you said before. Add in an attack on democrats, liberals or minorities. Wait while the media goes crazy for another 24-48 hours.
3. Take the weekend off to play golf while your surrogates spew outrageous bullshit on the Sunday shows.
4. Check the polls. If they havent gone up, repeat steps 1-3. They will go up once the proper level of total batshit crazy has been achieved.
Ray Bruns
(5,032 posts)
(9,206 posts)I believed Elon when he said just before the election that its going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
(162,408 posts)NOT for WE THE PEOPLE
(162,408 posts)last time he was new, and had actual patriots trying to reign him in