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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsThey all thought a Trump win would be good for ratings, like the last time. They were wrong. Rachel Maddow suffers worst ratings of the year as Fox News steals the spotlight
According to Nielsen Media Research, MSNBC has lost 47 percent of its overall audience since Election Night compared to the rest of the year, averaging just 497,000 total-day viewers and 49,000 in the advertising demographic of adults aged 25-54. CNN has also seen double-digit losses, dipping 33 percent and pulling in just 357,000 total-day viewers and 65,000 in the key demo.
In primetime, the post-election drop is even more severe. While right-wing juggernaut Fox News has unsurprisingly seen its ratings soar with Trumps win, surging 24 percent year-to-date and drawing 3 million viewers, MSNBC has sunk 52 percent. In the 8-11 p.m. time slot, the networks total audience has collapsed to 644,000 viewers and 63,000 in the 25-54 demographic. CNN is also significantly down, shedding 39 percent of its total primetime viewership and drawing just 453,000 viewers.
Making matters worse for MSNBC, the networks star has also seen viewers flee in droves. Rachel Maddow, who recently extended her contract to the tune of $25 million annually (still a pay cut of $5 million per year), now only broadcasts her primetime show on Monday evenings. Since moving to a once-a-week schedule, her show has typically been seen as something of a special attraction for MSNBCs audience and is generally one of the top-rated programs on cable.
However, this past Monday, The Rachel Maddow Show attracted just 1.3 million total viewers and a paltry 84,000 in the key 25-54 demographic. (It still more than tripled its CNN 9 p.m. competition.) The telecast represented Maddows lowest overall viewership of the year and the worst performance in the demo since 2015. Week to week, Maddow is down 13 percent in total viewers and 34 percent in the demographic.

(72,525 posts)madaboutharry
(41,743 posts)❤️ to everyone who put Democracy first.
(6,917 posts)The pain is still too raw right now.
trump 2.0 will be a shit show. MSNBC will probably get a ratings boost when the shit hits the fan.
People are grieving right now. Their ratings will pick up again at some point. Fox went hard for the big lie in 20 when their ratings dropped.
This drop for MSNBC is bigger than the drop in 16, but same thing happened then. Then ratings picked back up.
Despite our grieving, Democrats are not going to cede ground to autocrats and nazis. There will be fights. So yeah, we will tune in again at some point.
(2,520 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 27, 2024, 02:31 PM - Edit history (1)
Now the lard doesn't have any guardrails.
There is only one good news I would love to see on him...
Ocelot II
(123,556 posts)He glances at the front page, then shakes his head sadly and tosses the whole newspaper straight into the trash. Next day, he turns up, and does the same thing. Buys it, glances at the front page, throws it in the trash.Next day, same thing. The newsstand worker is increasingly puzzled, but doesn't say anything. But after a couple of weeks he's so curious that he asks the man, "Why do you buy the paper every day and then just look at the front page and throw it away?"
"I'm looking for a particular obituary."
"But you don't even open the newspaper; the obituaries are on page 22, not the front page."
"The one I'm looking for for will be!"
(2,520 posts)Grossly Obese, out of shape, bad diet, not sure why it's taking so long. I suppose Satan doesn't want him quite yet, as he is inflicting all this misery and hatred on Earth.
(11,692 posts)He was barely standing on his feet and was mumbling and sighing when he talked.
The man is fully demented aside from being a malignant narcissist. He will soon be unable to put words together in the sentence fragments he uses.
(2,748 posts)oldsoldierfadingfast
(139 posts)and Satan may just be afraid of the competition.
Ocelot II
(123,556 posts)or MSNBC in general. It's that we don't want to watch the news at all any more. I haven't watched any cable news since the election and I don't know anyone who has, and it's not because of any quality issues but just because it's too damn depressing, like having the horror rubbed in. I know all I need to know and want to know for now, without watching tv.
(25,577 posts)mountain grammy
(27,577 posts)orangecrush
(23,563 posts)regnaD kciN
(26,817 posts)and for the exact same reason. I dont need to wallow in gloom when Im already feeling life is hopeless.
(13,136 posts)I have to protect my sanity now.
(38,093 posts)Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)CanonRay
(15,120 posts)It seems like nothing matters; morals, common sense, national security, even our laws, so why watch.
(742 posts)They only cover 3 stories every night, and it is the same 3 stories hour after hour. Every story requires having Trump's ugly mug on the screen almost continuously.
A) There are more than 3 stories of importance in the world.
B) I don't need to see the same empty suit commentators hour after hour, all saying the same things.
C) If I wanted to look at Trump 4 hours each night, I'd buy one of those Trump trading cards.
D) I already give Comcast way too much money each month.
(22,290 posts)Ocelot II
(123,556 posts)what was being covered (I'd turn it off when it got too repetitive), but now that it's all Trump and his iniquities all the time, I can't stand it.
(742 posts)Is Melber quoting some rap lyric from somebody none of his audience has ever heard of, with the lyric having no relevance to anything and adding no insight. But at least it is a few minutes away from Trump.
Seriously, people, MSNBC has done more than any other entity to normalize Trump with people we needed as voters.
(138 posts)I try to watch but after just a few minutes I get worked up and angry again and, right now I don't feel like twisting my self into knots over all of the bad things the pundits say is coming.
I am hoping that, like the election, they are wrong about just how bad things will get.
In January, when things start happening maybe I will tune back in
(189,237 posts)Woodwizard
(1,124 posts)But I can't stand her show, it is just telling democrats what they want to hear. The eye rolls and smirks really turn me off.
She is just more polite than the right wing nuts. Ratings not substance is the game.
(7,629 posts)My critique of her isn't really a critique of her, but if Democrats.
She's just doing her job. She's a little wordy and a little slow to get to the point, but clearly people like that.
The problem is we as Dems can't use her to reach anyone but the choir.
We need punchy, lower brow and yes a little crass people to push Democratic and liberal themes to people who don't respond to long but logical arguments.
We our own "The Five" and other things we mock but are insanely effective.
(1,124 posts)It has been a while since I watched her or any cable it is all theater.
I can make my own informed opinion by reading real news, not having it regurgitated to me by people that are not even real journalists with their interpretation.
(23,563 posts)Qualifies many times over as a "real" journalist.
I remember her all the way back to "Air America", I remember her crying when Bush was elected, and it nauseates me to see a champion of my party disparaged on this site.
(1,124 posts)You have your opinion I have mine.
Sorry I nauseate you, but I stick to what I said. Have a smirk and eye roll.
25 mil a year is great motivation for a lot of theater.
(23,563 posts)Nauseates me.
Nothing personal.
You're entitled to your opinion.
I just don't have to read it, unlike X, this site does have a block function.
Sayonara, Nise.
(281,695 posts)Rec
(65,593 posts)And holds a bachelor's degree in public policy from Stanford University.
She is more qualified to make comments on political issues than any journalist.
Your opinion is not unpopular, it is incorrect. She is very qualified to do her job.
Whether you like her personally or her style is another issue altogether.
(1,124 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,593 posts)Happy to set you straight.
(3,673 posts)She repeats things four and five times in a row. In the early days I could watch but it got to be too much to take. Thats big money for a remedial teacher. Lawrence is the only MSNBC show that we watch and he is starting to run out of fresh material. A couple of nights ago he was going on and on about a mans sex scandal and it felt more like my ears were being raped. Trump is in now and dont need to hear about any more disgusting pig sex.
(65,593 posts)I hold Ph.D. myself so I understand very well where her pedantic, esoteric, attention to detail
come from. That is the training you get.
But I found that non PhDs don't care for the style and you have to talk more like people on the street to get anywhere with them.
People who watch MSNBC are obviously educated and/or smart, so can roll with it better than most.
(3,673 posts)Hes the first to complain about the repetition. He speaks in detail but if he said it twice we would definitely need a signal for that!🤣
(65,593 posts)In a doctoral program you must think, write, talk in a very stilted, pedantic, precise way.
You are trained to do this your entire program. This is the style of the highly educated researcher.
Who is using the scientific method to prove hypotheses and develop theories.
The repetition is done for a number of reasons. PhDs are used to proving a point in numerous ways. They have to build a theory brick by brick. And the bricks must be solid with a lot of supporting data.
So we keep pointing out all the data and support of an idea. So this may sound repetitive but if you listen closely there are probably highly subtle nuanced differences.
Also most normal people do not understand this kind of speaking and thinking style, so the PhD gets frustrated and keeps repeating the points in an effort to make people understand the point.
So we see a PhD making a point like they are in their dissertation defense meeting convincing a group of professors to grant them their PhD.
When in reality normal people just want to be told something in quick bullet points. Skip the detail and proof.
(7,629 posts)It's probably unpopular because it's wrong.
I have all sorts of personal preferences about all sorts of things, but that doesn't make them valid for anything but me.
I don't watch a lot of Maddow mostly because I am fortunate enough that I already know a ton about what's going on in the political world so she's not value added to me.
I also don't necessarily like her long winded style.
That does not equate to a criticism of her in the slightest, not do I think it validates any of yours. She's very clearly intelligent, sober and she's effective for a lot of people.
My ONLY real consideration is that unfortunately the Democratic Party no longer is enough just on its own. We need enough of the people who are more inspired by TikTok or quick and punchy 3 minutes here and there, dumbed down commentary that quite frankly Maddow is too smart to do.
(742 posts)She does things that are closer to being real journalism than most of the other programs on the network. But the entire enterprise is faulty. It was designed by Comcast to capture what they consider to be an underserved demographic. You are just a number to them. And I will repeat that in my view, MSNBC has done more than any other entity to normalize Trump among the people we needed as voters. On a daily basis their choice of topics and hosts reinforced the message that the left is dominated by fringe special interests and is not very interested in the core values of working Americans. Their presentation reinforced the narrative that progressives are mainly coastal elites. With friends like that, ...
That is nothing personal against Maddow She's a smart lady and one I would love to share a beer with. But the network is a real problem.
(7,629 posts)Or MSNBC much I'm literally not a number to them.
(3,201 posts)Then you clearly know nothing about her.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)She CERTAINLY DOES NOT tell me what I want to hear. In fact, although I am a fan, I often dread listening to her show because she is always accurate in her reporting and she reports the finer details in context that other media figures ignore. Her reports often chill me to the bone, but it's important to hear even the things that make you uncomfortable if they are true as it helps to expand our understanding of a situation that citizens NEED to understand. Frequently a very unpleasant experience.
(1,124 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)We dont need any more appeasement. In fact we need truth tellers unafraid of their fascist owners. 6 fascist men own the ENTIRE media, but Im sure thats not the problem.
(1,124 posts)Just not a fan of the theater.
(36,594 posts)Raven123
(6,449 posts)Her historical segments are interesting, but her presentation style (repeating her points as if I didnt hear them the first time) frustrated me. I can anticipate the answers to 90% of her interview questions. I pretty much know where the show is going, so I tuned out. Unfortunate as I think she can do better.
Response to Woodwizard (Reply #4)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(13,427 posts)An emboldened and reinvigorated right - paired with a dispirited left.
And, gosh - who would have ever thought .. ?
(14,711 posts)...and Fox is set up to be the propaganda station for the govt.
1984, here we are.
(6,988 posts)ZonkerHarris
(25,577 posts)Prairie Gates
(4,408 posts)At $25 million a year, it absolutely does not matter who is in charge of the federal government. TWENTY FIVE MILLION A YEAR! For a once a week show.
Tell me again why I'm supposed to give a shit what this person says.
Justice matters.
(8,100 posts)on the products the advertizers pay, so at the end of the chain, the consumers accept to pay her (and the corporations' profits) whenever they buy their stuff.
Of course, nobody is forced to buy their stuff, but it boggles the mind: $480,769.23 per show... Even when deducting taxes on that leaves a lot of it net.
(23,563 posts)Now it's ok to bash protagonists of the democratic party here, especially one who has paid her dues many times over, shoulder to shoulder with Al Franken?
Excuse me, I feel nauseous.
(57,596 posts)Once King Donnie is sworn in and his daily circus of incompetent stupidity officially begins...
(36,594 posts)This isnt going to blow over. Im done with these pricks destroying everything. Encouraging hate and violence. So fucking far removed from the plight of our lives they couldnt report anything useful if it
Knocked them over with a 2x4.
(57,596 posts)I must be the only person who was already boycotting all the cable news since 2016... I was done with them way back then 😅
(1,067 posts)No news for me , I cant stand to look at him or hear his voice. 4 years of his bs wore me out and now we start the crazy all over again.
(1,309 posts)The ratings report seems a little strange.
Just a thought.
(23,563 posts)This place is more hilarious by the day.
(4,210 posts)Good riddance to them.
(2,537 posts)It's show business.
(6,449 posts)LAS14
(15,062 posts)jayschool2013
(2,537 posts)I have online subscriptions to:
1. The Baltimore Banner (Where I live)
2. The New York Times
3. The Washington Post (canceled, but I'm paid through Spring)
4. The Omaha World-Herald (my hometown)
5. The New Republic (online and print)
I contribute money to Maryland public radio, so I listen to NPR and go to their website.
I watch "60 Minutes" on CBS and "Frontline" on PBS.
I advise the student newspaper at a private university in Maryland.
I read.
I also have former students working in news (places such as the Denver Post, ProPublica, and the Sanders County Ledger in Montana), so I give those places my time occasionally if there's no paywall.
I invest in journalism because the best journalists need to be paid for their work.
(15,062 posts)... that we watch MSNBC. And having to adjust for geography.
I've gotten Omaha Steve to add several non-profit news sources to the DU ACT Blue Fundraisers thread.
(2,537 posts)The majority of Americans get their news from non-journalists: influencers, pundits, hosts, commentators and others who don't dig for information, verify it, seek balance and present the most accurate version of a story that they can.
Of course, the U.S. is full of cynics who believe that all journalists are greedhounds and opportunists who care little for the truth and a great deal about ideology.
We can thank Roger Ailes and the GOP for fostering much of that cynicism when they announced that all news had a liberal bias. Republicans don't understand altruism, so they have no idea why anyone would go into a profession that pays poorly and seeks to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."
We have become a junk-food culture both literally and metaphorically.
(15,062 posts)... large, well resourced entities to verify the "news" that will be coming down the pike.
(742 posts)"Hey Bill, we've been looking at the numbers, and what we'd like you to do, stay with me on this one, we'd like to spend your entire program for the next 3 months on FIdel Castro. Our people tell us this polls well. You can criticize him and roll your eyes or whatever you want to do. But whatever he says each day, we want that played 4 times during your slot. I don't care what you do, but we need Castro's face and voice on the screen for at least 18 minutes of your half hour every show.. Trust me. The numbers don't lie. If he doesn't give any big speeches, then report on what he had for lunch or whatever you can do. If you run short of material, we can bring in a panel of experts to discuss his lunch selections. This will work out great."
(19,811 posts)Rachel takes off this time of year.
Also, she changed her schedule to Mondays only a couple of years ago. They're making it sound like this all happened since Nov 5 and this is untrue.
(55,655 posts)Clearly its been good for Fox. Why should it help MSNBC? Is your argument that Maddow wanted Trump to win to increase her ratings? In what universe does that make sense?
Why is it that Democrats most hate the media friendliest to them?
Fla Dem
(26,342 posts)Don't want to see his make-up encrusted face. I can't watch him. Too depressing. In my 70's and I have never felt so discouraged about the direction our country is headed. I mourn for my kids and their kids. What type of world will they live in.
If, and that's a big IF, our government becomes more Democratic both in legislators and legislation, there is a vital need to enact laws on the extreme rich, the money they can give to politicians, raise their income tax rates as high as 50 %, remove all anonymous donations to campaigns and once again break up monopolies.
It's the billionaires that are running our country and they are running it into the ground.
(2,619 posts)This is about entertainment. Nothing more. Truth is not the issue here.
(10,587 posts)She likes Cuomo.
I gotten deluded with the US news channels. Told wifey I'm fed up of hearing Trump Trump Trump all the bloody time.
So.... "History Channel" and "Ancient Aliens" it is then. And 1,000 lb sisters...
If I want to consume news.... BBC World Service Radio is my go to right now. 318 million global listeners a week can't all be wrong.
(11,182 posts)City Lights
(25,575 posts)What I don't get, though, is Fox gaining viewers. The dumb is spreading throughout the US.
Think. Again.
(21,651 posts)What we need is a valid and true source of information.
But our incoming nazi administration certainly won't stand for that.
(71,848 posts)They were wrong the first time, too. Aside from a short-lived ratings & financial bump in the summer of '16, there was really no Trump effect on ratings or revenue.
One can see that by simply reading the publicly available annual reports of the network news providers.
Moonless famously said Trump might not be good for the country but he was good for business. The financial statements of the network he was running (CBS) show that nothing happened but natural trend line growth in revenues.
(4,123 posts)Looking to maximize profits. Nothing more. The talent is only there to keep people watching through the commercials. I quit cable 20 years ago and I've only become more informed, and richer, by not handing over a monthly subscriber fee.
How much does cable cost today?
(37,549 posts)from so-called experts saying Trump would pay for his crimes. It turns out it was just bullshit for ratings.
Then after the election Joe and Meeka crawl down to Mara Lardo to kiss up to the SOB they called Hitler
for the last 4 years. I don't want to hear their bullshit or even look at Trump.
(54,732 posts)It's natural that pre-election ratings, especially in a close election, will be markedly higher than ratings after the race is over.
You may be right in the end, but it's far too soon to tell.
(4,671 posts)Not very many people are in the mood to watch the losers tell the truth on MSNBC or CNN. Those channels didnt change anyones mind. They have allowed themselves to be defined as irrelevant by all of the right wing media, and I believe they are done.
(742 posts)Add up all the cable "news" viewers and it is 2% of the eligible voters. Moreover, it is a dying segment of the media. The cable industry at large is losing something like 10% of its customers each year. Fox is a bit of an outlier because their viewers are mostly seniors who can't figure out how to cut the cable. But the whole thing is dying.
It is pointless to argue which of the worthless "news" channels dies faster. They are all dying, and being replaced with other modes of information consumption. THAT is the issue.
F MSNBC. They had their shot and they decided the best business was to feature Trump nonstop for 10 years solid. We need to be thinking about how we can have a real presence in what replaces cable "news".